pp108 : Configuring Process Platform Security Policy

Configuring Process Platform Security Policy

This topic describes the procedure to configure Process Platform security policy using Management Console.

The security properties feature of Management Console facilitates the configuration of security policies in Process Platform. These policies are stored in the securitypolicy.xml file of the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/config folder. This feature enables Administrators to manage the security policies in Process Platform for resource access management. Resources can be Service Groups, Web service Interfaces, or Web service Operations on which access permissions can be configured for selected users.

  1. In a Windows based computer, click Start > Programs > OpenText Process Suite Platform <Version> > <Instance Name> > Tools > Management Console.
    For Linux users
    1. Launch Terminal
    2. CD Process Platform Installation Directory/bin
    3. Execute ./cmc.sh

    The Management Console window appears.

  2. Click Security Properties in the Management Console window. The Security Properties window appears.
  3. Click the Security Policy tab in the Security Properties window.
  4. Select the user for whom the access or deny permissions have to be set from the Select Authenticated User list.
  5. To grant or deny access permissions for the selected user to selected service groups, follow the procedure described in Setting Access or Deny Permissions for service groups.
  6. To grant or deny access permissions for the selected user to selected Web service Interfaces and Operations, follow the procedure described in Setting Access or Deny Permissions for Web service Interfaces and Operations.
  7. Click .
    The Process Platform Security policy properties are saved.

After you complete this task: To complete this configuration, ensure to enable the sandbox feature. For information on enabling the sandbox feature, refer to Enabling Miscellaneous Security Properties.